Vintage TV Jürgen Bauer, Porto # 11/04/23 Tags: Storefront, Elektrogeschäft, Street, Shop, 3D Letter, Metall, Leuchtbeschriftung
Herr Architect Josef Herrmann, Sinagasse, 1220 Wien # 16/01/18 Tags: Versalien, Wien, Stadt, Sans-Serif, Renoviert, 3D Letter
Manhole love Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 17/03/14 Tags: 3D Letter, Condoit, Cover, Embossed, Infrastructure, Manhole, Metal, Numeric Character, Roadway, Sewage, Sewage System, Steel, Street
Tyrolean Garage Chris Foraita, Vienna # 12/03/14 Tags: Traffic, Car, 3D Letter, Name, Kraftfahrzeug, Einfahrt, Beschriftung, Parken, Parking, Lettering
Garage for Tyroleans Chris Foraita, Vienna # 10/03/14 Tags: Traffic, Car, 3D Letter, Name, Kraftfahrzeug, Einfahrt, Beschriftung, Parken, Parking, Lettering
Shut the Gate Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 02/03/14 Tags: Order, Instruction, Plate, Metal, 3D Letter, Information, Pricing, Entertainment, private, Habitation
Composting Shop Chris Foraita, Vienna # 01/03/14 Tags: Shopfront, Living, Entrance, 3D Letter, Tiles, Basics, Household
Museums Café Chris Foraita, Vienna # 27/02/14 Tags: Cafe, 3D Letter, Kaffeehaus, Entertainment, Food, Drink & eat, Majuscule, Versalien, Service, Restaurant
Hot Chocolate Bar Chris Foraita, Vienna # 18/02/14 Tags: Shopfront, Consumption, Sweetmeat, 3D Letter, Christmas
Romantic city life AD Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 13/02/14 Tags: Metal, Inscription, Plate, 3D Letter, Remembrance, Date
Take the most efficacious remedy Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 13/02/14 Tags: Sign, 3D Letter, Wine, Medicine, Assistance, Support, Distress, Emergency, Health
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