For your health Chris Foraita, Vienna # 10/02/14 Tags: Sign, Handcraft, Light, Supply, Facilities, 3D Letter
e^{\mathrm{i}\,\pi} = -1 Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 10/02/14 Tags: Entrance, Metal, 3D Letter, Bouncer, Instruction, Brainteaser, Social, Organisation, Club
Religious Garden Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 06/12/13 Tags: 3D Letter, church, Entrance, Garden, Portal, Religion, Steal
Mehr geht nicht Chris Foraita, Wien # 25/11/13 Tags: 3D Letter, Auto, Charger, Chrome, Emblem, Muscle Car, Verkehr
Higher and higher Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 09/11/13 Tags: 3D Letter, Door, Entrance, Number, Opening Hours, Stone, Wood
Swing Tom Burns, London # 10/08/13 Tags: 3D Letter, Institution, Location, Neighbourhood, Office, public, Wood
Heavy Steel on Roadway Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 17/07/13 Tags: 3D Letter, Condoit, Cover, Embossed, Infrastructure, Manhole, Metal, Numeric Character, Roadway, Sewage, Sewage System, Steel, Street
Just good enough college Tom Burns, London # 24/05/13 Tags: 3D Letter, City, College, Education, Gate, Majuscule, Metal, Name
Alderman of London Tom Burns, London # 24/05/13 Tags: 3D Letter, Address, City, Majuscule, Metal, Name, Numeric Character, Rememberance
Octav Botnar Wing Tom Burns, London # 24/05/13 Tags: 3D Letter, Billionaire, British, Building Name, engraved, Majuscule, Stone
TM #Collection TM-Innsbruck Collection Typography from the unique Alpine Cityprovided by WEI SRAUM Designforum Tirol
TM #Article Urbantypes Innsbruck WEI SRAUM, das Designforum Tirol betreibt ein Projekt das Typographie im Stadtraum sichtbar machen soll