Some Day Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 29/05/15 Tags: closed, Shopfront, Shop sign, Service, Shop, hand-painted, Luxury, Trade, Consumption, Repair, 3D letters, Numeric Character
Manhole love Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 17/03/14 Tags: 3D Letter, Condoit, Cover, Embossed, Infrastructure, Manhole, Metal, Numeric Character, Roadway, Sewage, Sewage System, Steel, Street
Heavy Steel on Roadway Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 17/07/13 Tags: 3D Letter, Condoit, Cover, Embossed, Infrastructure, Manhole, Metal, Numeric Character, Roadway, Sewage, Sewage System, Steel, Street
Professors House Chris Foraita, # 17/06/13 Tags: copper, Door, Entrance, House, Majuscule, Memory, Name, Number, Numeric Character, Plate, Remembranc, Social
Gray's Inn Road 2two2 Tom Burns, London # 08/06/13 Tags: Building, Door, Entrance, House, House Number, Number, Numeric Character, Road, Street
Lift Display: 31 Floor Tom Burns, London # 29/05/13 Tags: Capital letters, Display, Letter, Majuscule, Number, Numeric Character, Paramount Bar, Screen
Alderman of London Tom Burns, London # 24/05/13 Tags: 3D Letter, Address, City, Majuscule, Metal, Name, Numeric Character, Rememberance
TM #Collection TM-Innsbruck Collection Typography from the unique Alpine Cityprovided by WEI SRAUM Designforum Tirol
TM #Article Buchprojekt - Über Typografie im Web Chris Magiera schreibt im Typemuseum über Ihre Arbeit