Titeljagt im Showroom Chris Foraita, Vienna, Austria # 11/06/14 Tags: private, Plate, Metal, Revier, Address, Benennung, Metall, Privat
The 39 Steps are actually only 25 Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 15/03/14 Tags: Number, Information, Warning, Plate, Arrow, Walk
Shut the Gate Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 02/03/14 Tags: Order, Instruction, Plate, Metal, 3D Letter, Information, Pricing, Entertainment, private, Habitation
Romantic city life AD Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 13/02/14 Tags: Metal, Inscription, Plate, 3D Letter, Remembrance, Date
For whom the bell tolls Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 20/11/13 Tags: Bell, Door, engraved, Entrance, Intercom, Paint, Pink, Plate
Essential Elements Tom Burns, London, Heathrow # 14/08/13 Tags: Emergancy, Fire, Information, Number, Plate, Service
They call me Trinity Tom Burns, London # 12/08/13 Tags: Door, Entrance, Law& Order, No, Number, Plate, Prohibition, Smoking
Professors House Chris Foraita, # 17/06/13 Tags: copper, Door, Entrance, House, Majuscule, Memory, Name, Number, Numeric Character, Plate, Remembranc, Social
Call to order Tom Burns, London # 29/05/13 Tags: Door, Drive, Gateway, Majuscule, No, Parking, Plate, Prohibition, Social
TM #Article Don't even think of parking here Schrift und Identität. Die Gestaltung von Beschilderungen im öffentlichen Verkehr. Niggli Verlag
TM #Collection TM-Innsbruck Collection Typography from the unique Alpine Cityprovided by WEI SRAUM Designforum Tirol