For whom the bell tolls Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 20/11/13 Tags: Bell, Door, engraved, Entrance, Intercom, Paint, Pink, Plate
Higher and higher Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 09/11/13 Tags: 3D Letter, Door, Entrance, Number, Opening Hours, Stone, Wood
Hot Door Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 08/11/13 Tags: Door, Entrance, Light, Number, Open, Opening Hours, Paint on wall
Total abstinence from alcohol Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 05/11/13 Tags: brass, Door, engraved, Entrance, letter drop
They call me Trinity Tom Burns, London # 12/08/13 Tags: Door, Entrance, Law& Order, No, Number, Plate, Prohibition, Smoking
Lottery Tom Burns, London # 06/08/13 Tags: Door, Entrance, House Number, Metallbuchstaben, Number, Orientation, private
There is not enough place, isn't it? Tom Burns, London # 20/07/13 Tags: Entrance, Hotel, Majuscule, Name, Sign
Entrance is round the corner Tom Burns, London # 19/07/13 Tags: Direction, Entrance, Hotel, Information, Name, Orientation, Street sign
Professors House Chris Foraita, # 17/06/13 Tags: copper, Door, Entrance, House, Majuscule, Memory, Name, Number, Numeric Character, Plate, Remembranc, Social
Gray's Inn Road 2two2 Tom Burns, London # 08/06/13 Tags: Building, Door, Entrance, House, House Number, Number, Numeric Character, Road, Street
Cinema Entrance Tom Burns, London # 29/05/13 Tags: Board, Cinema, Cinema Board, Entrance, Film Title, Hoarding, Pay Kiosk, Renoir
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