New Language Chris Foraita, London # 24/11/13 Tags: Drink & eat, Entertainment, Food, Light, Restaurant, Signboard
Ingersoll Building Tom Burns, London # 10/11/13 Tags: Building Name, Mosaics, Name, Paint, Sign, Stone
Essential Elements Tom Burns, London, Heathrow # 14/08/13 Tags: Emergancy, Fire, Information, Number, Plate, Service
They call me Trinity Tom Burns, London # 12/08/13 Tags: Door, Entrance, Law& Order, No, Number, Plate, Prohibition, Smoking
Swing Tom Burns, London # 10/08/13 Tags: 3D Letter, Institution, Location, Neighbourhood, Office, public, Wood
Lottery Tom Burns, London # 06/08/13 Tags: Door, Entrance, House Number, Metallbuchstaben, Number, Orientation, private
Abwarten und Tee trinken Philipp Müller, London, UK # 03/08/13 Tags: Branding, Illustration, Karton, Logo, Schachtel, Tee, Verpackung
Halb voll oder halb leer? Philipp Müller, Dishroom Bombay Café, Covent Garden, London, UK # 02/08/13 Tags: Branding, Etikett, Illustration, Logo, Versalien, Weinflasche
Small alley to Spa Fields Park Tom Burns, London # 01/08/13 Tags: Alley, Gate, Majuscule, Metal, Name, Street Name
Die Pizza danach Philipp Müller, Rossopomodoro Covent Garden, London, UK # 31/07/13 Tags: Fliesen, Pizzeria, Restaurant, Spruch, Tafel
Russell Square Station Philipp Müller, Russell Square Station, London, UK # 31/07/13 Tags: Fassade, Fenster, Kacheln, Rundbogen, U-Bahn, Underground, Versalien
Experience on tour Tom Burns, London # 23/07/13 Tags: Branding, Bus, Lettering, Traffic, Travel, Vehicle
They really love hair and beauty Tom Burns, London # 22/07/13 Tags: Beauty, Branding, Hair, Number, Open, Service, Sign
Irresponsible dog owners Tom Burns, London # 22/07/13 Tags: Animals, Dogs, Help, Information, Instruction, Instruction Plate, Official, Rule, Sign, Social
There is not enough place, isn't it? Tom Burns, London # 20/07/13 Tags: Entrance, Hotel, Majuscule, Name, Sign
Entrance is round the corner Tom Burns, London # 19/07/13 Tags: Direction, Entrance, Hotel, Information, Name, Orientation, Street sign
Two women and a stone Tom Burns, London # 18/07/13 Tags: engraved, Majuscule, Memorial Stone, Memory, Stone, Weathered
Throwing Game Tom Burns, London # 16/07/13 Tags: Animals, Dogs, Foul, Litter, Litter Box, Order, Restrooms, Social, Waste
TM #Article Urbantypes Innsbruck WEI SRAUM, das Designforum Tirol betreibt ein Projekt das Typographie im Stadtraum sichtbar machen soll
TM #Article Don't even think of parking here Schrift und Identität. Die Gestaltung von Beschilderungen im öffentlichen Verkehr. Niggli Verlag