Chris Foraita, Vienna # 12/05/14 Tags: Möbel, Tischlerei, Geschäft, Laden, Ladenschild, Shop, Shop sign, Shopfront, Craft, Majuscule
Schauen Sie ganz genau! Chris Foraita, Steirisch Laßnitz # 21/03/14 Tags: church, Cahtolic, Liturgy, Sacraments, Demand, Aufforderung, Mitteilung, Message, Kirche, Sakrament, Liturgie, Majuscule, Figur, handgeschrieben
Museums Café Chris Foraita, Vienna # 27/02/14 Tags: Cafe, 3D Letter, Kaffeehaus, Entertainment, Food, Drink & eat, Majuscule, Versalien, Service, Restaurant
All of us are very welcome Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 23/02/14 Tags: feminine, handwritten, Human, Majuscule, People, Privy, public, Restrooms, Social, Toilet, Sexual Discrimination
Don't play with the Church Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 22/02/14 Tags: church, Religion, Front, Prohibition, Children, Game, Ball Games, Majuscule, Sign, Sport, Parvis
Fill her up Chris Foraita, St. Pölten # 21/02/14 Tags: Motorcycle, Traffic, Brand, Logo, Emblem, Italic, Majuscule, Animal
Bahnhof Martina, Barcelona # 10/02/14 Tags: Traffic, Verkehr, Digital, Schalter, geschlossen, Counter, closed, Majuscule, LED, Number, Nummer
Needle Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 06/02/14 Tags: Sign, Shop, Light, Service, Majuscule, Italic, Entrance
Please wait Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 05/02/14 Tags: Majuscule, Traffic, Traffic Sign, Information, Cyclist, Road
Static Port Chris Foraita, Weltweit # 19/08/13 Tags: Anleitung, Command, Flugzeug, Gebot, Instruction, Instruktion, Majuscule, Plane, Traffic, Verkehr, Versalien