Club mit Haustier Josef Herrmann, Burggasse, 1070 Wien # 12/04/18 Tags: Script, Sans-Serif, Metall, Neon, Bar, Club
Jazzland Martin Frey, 1010 Wien # 23/11/15 Tags: Wien, Vienna, Bar, Club, Geschäftsbeschriftung, Shop sign
Time out Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 12/12/14 Tags: Club, Dancing, Music, Night, Party, hand-painted, Door, Sign
Nightclub Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 12/12/14 Tags: Club, Dancing, Music, Night, Party, hand-painted, Wall, Sign, Ghostsign
Join the club Jürgen Bauer, Portugal, Lissabon # 15/10/14 Tags: Eingangsbereich, Eingangsschild, Club, Leuchtschild, Capital letters
Opera and Dinner Club Chris Foraita, Vienna # 08/03/14 Tags: Signatur, Entrance, Eingang, Club, Service, Entertainment, Food, Drink & eat, Nahrung, Essen, Trinken, Neon, Light, Night
e^{\mathrm{i}\,\pi} = -1 Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 10/02/14 Tags: Entrance, Metal, 3D Letter, Bouncer, Instruction, Brainteaser, Social, Organisation, Club
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