Nur nicht untergehen Chris Foraita, Vienna # 07/03/14 Tags: Entertainment, Fun, Amusement, Culture, Leisure, Prater, handwritten, Wood, Paint
Out of context Philipp Brunner, Berlin, Germany # 26/02/14 Tags: Berlin, Trash, Handmade, handwritten, Improvisation, Metal
All of us are very welcome Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 23/02/14 Tags: feminine, handwritten, Human, Majuscule, People, Privy, public, Restrooms, Social, Toilet, Sexual Discrimination
Soon again Philipp Brunner, Böhmischer Prater, Vienna, Austria # 07/02/14 Tags: handwritten, Script, Chalk, Board, Sign
Public place: Ladies Tom Burns, London # 10/06/13 Tags: closed, feminine, hand-hewn, handwritten, Human, Lost & found, Majuscule, People, private, Privy, public, Restrooms, Social, Toilet
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